
Coin Pro

Crypto Portfolio


Create a web app with the CoinBase API so that I can view my Crypto Portfolio in detail with more information about my total holdings & purchase history including gains & losses, current value & price, cost-basis, cost-basis/share and purchase dates.


Developed a web application with the CoinBase API to get Portfolio Insights in Real Time. I developed the UI with Next.js (a React Framework) and Apollo Client. I designed a GraphQL API and built the back-end with Node.js, Express, and Apollo Server.


  • React
  • Next.js
  • SCSS
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • GraphQL
  • MySQL
  • Jest
  • React-Testing-Library
  • Mocha
  • Chai.js
  • Sinon.js

Portfolio Insights

Crypto Portfolio

Lessons learned and highlights

With this project, I worked with the CoinBase API to develop a Portfolio Monitoring software solution.